

133 Richmond St. W, #606

(southwest corner of York & Richmond)



133 Richmond St. W, #606

(SW corner of York & Richmond)

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chiropractic . medical acupuncture 

What do chiropractors do?  

Chiropractors are highly skilled in the hands-on art of spinal adjustment. An adjustment involves applying a specific force in a precise direction to a joint that is troublesome (for instance, it may be locked-up or not moving properly). The purpose of the adjustment is to help restore a more normal position or motion, often relieving pain. Using this technique, Chiropractors can treat any joint in your body…from your spine all the way out to your fingers and toes. Treatment is always within your comfort level and often can be quite relaxing.

Is chiropractic safe? Research continues to support the safety and efficacy of chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors do not use drugs or surgery, which have their place but may produce side effects and complications. 

A 2009 study published in the scientific journal "Spine" looked hospitalization records for the population of Ontario, Canada analyzing 818 cases over nine years.  Specifically, cases of vertebrobasilar artery (VBA)  stroke (involving the arteries that supply blood to the back of the brain) were examined. The study did find an association between visits to a health care practitioner and subsequent VBA stroke, but there was no evidence that visiting a chiropractor put people at greater risk than visiting a medical doctor. The researchers attributed the association between health care visits and VBA stroke to the likelihood that people already experiencing a VBA dissection (a tear in the artery) seek care for the headache and neck pain related to this type of tear before their situation develops into a stroke.  There are many risk factors for stroke including blood clotting problems, hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol, use of birth control pills, heart problems and trauma such as sports injuries or blows to the head from accident. As each patient is unique, each treatment and each adjustment is unique as well. Your age, size and individual problem will determine which technique(s) will best put you on the road to feeling better.

What kind of things can chiropractic help me with? Chiropractors treat problems of the neuromusculoskeletal system. This includes problems involving muscles, joints and nerves such as lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, disk herniations, plantar fascitis, jaw problems, muscle strains and sciatica, to name a few. You do not always have to be in pain to consult a Chiropractor. With their unique vantage point, Drs. Doris Mertins, Darcie Sinclair and Roberta Da Re can help you reduce the stress on the musculoskeletal system. Since this system uses a large percentage of the body's energy, optimizing the function of this system can have wide reaching effects on other aspects of your health. You may be interested in prevention of a problem. You may want to learn more about your body. You may want to improve your quality of life. These are all good reasons to consider consulting a Chiropractor.

How soon will I be better? This is one of the most common questions we are asked. To provide you with realistic expectations, many factors affecting your recovery time must be taken into consideration, including:

‍    •    acute vs. chronic pain

‍    •    first episode or recurrent problem

‍    •    history of previous injuries

‍    •    general health

‍    •    general fitness level ( strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health)

‍    •    poor postural hygiene

‍    •    lifestyle (work, diet, sleep)

‍    •    patient comprehension and compliance with recommendations

‍    •    kept appointments

‍    •    stress (physical/mental/chemical)

‍    •    family history

These factors and your individual health goals combine to structure the frequency and duration of your care.

What are the different types of care I can receive?  Some people are looking strictly for symptom relief while others are interested in long-term strategies to maintain good health. There are three stages of care.

Initial Intensive Care (Crisis Management): The primary goal is symptom or pain relief. Depending on the severity of the problem, you may be treated as little as once a week or as often as every day.

Rehabilitative Care: The focus here is on correcting or eliminating the source of the problem. This minimizes your likelihood of a relapse. Treatment frequency starts to decrease and you are advised on home/office self-care to help support this process. You will notice further improvement in your range of movement, flexibility, strength, energy level and/or general health.

Wellness Care: You have now returned to your pre-injury/illness state. Acknowledging that daily stresses and strains wear us all down, you choose to maintain an optimal level of functioning with periodic checkups. Depending on the factors listed above, you may receive maintenance treatments anywhere from one to six months.

Remember, how long you choose to continue care is always up to you.

What kind of education do chiropractors have? Before Canadian Chiropractors can lay their hands on you, they've first laid their eyes on hundreds of books. They've studied for at least seven years at university and post-graduate levels (at a Chiropractic college). Anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, biomechanics, X-rays and spinal adjusting techniques are just a handful of the topics they've studied. Before receiving their Doctor designation, Chiropractic students undergo an intensive and closely supervised internship program at a Chiropractic College Clinic, where they gain and perfect valuable skills and also learn when referral to other disciplines is warranted. Prior to being able to open their door to you, Chiropractors must pass rigorous National and Provincial Licensing Board examinations.

What is the risk with a neck adjustment? There is a rare risk of stroke or stroke-like symptoms associated with adjustment of the neck. Reports on the subject over the past 40 years present a range of estimates based on different research methodologies. However, all the published studies to date agree that the risk is extremely low.  Recent evidence published in the journal "Spine" suggests that the association is more temporal than causal. There are many risk factors for stroke including blood clotting problems, hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol, use of birth control pills, heart problems and trauma such as sports injuries or blows to the head from accident. All carry a greater degree of risk than spinal adjustment.   

Do I have to have my neck adjusted? After a thorough history and examination, your Chiropractor will discuss your treatment options with you. There are alternatives to neck adjustments that some people prefer. The risks associated with each type of treatment will also be discussed, allowing you to make an informed decision about your health care.

Once I go to the chiropractor, do I have to go forever?  The choice to continue chiropractic care is always up to you. Although pain is the most common reason people initially go to the Chiropractor, chiropractic treatment often helps people reach an improved state of health. They have less pain, greater freedom of movement, better sleeping patterns and an improved sense of well being. The daily rigors of life such as computer work, commuting, stress and lack of time for oneself are hard on the body. Many people use chiropractic "maintenance care" to function at a better state of health. The frequency of treatment depends on other lifestyle factors such as exercise, stress reduction and nutrition to name a few.

chiropractic . medical acupuncture 

What can I expect on my first visit? Prior to meeting with the Chiropractor, you will be asked to complete a New Patient Admission Form. Using this form as a guide, you and the Chiropractor will discuss your health history in detail. This will be followed by a full physical examination. Your Chiropractor will then decide if further testing, such as x-rays or blood work, is required. You will then be presented with a report of findings, outlining your specific problem, treatment options and prognosis. Questions are always welcome. Your first visit includes time to initiate treatment if you decide chiropractic care is right for you. At the close of the visit, you will be given a few specific instructions to help make achieving your goal easier. Click here to link to the New Patient Forms.



133 Richmond St. W, #606

(SW corner of York and Richmond)

What is a chiropractic adjustment? Chiropractic treatment involves the manipulation of joints, with the goal of decreasing pain by improving movement and function within that joint. When a joint is adjusted (moved), there is a natural change in the internal pressure of that joint. This change results in the release  of gas normally dissolved in the fluid which lubricates the joint. The release of this gas may produce a "crack" or "pop" sound similar to that produced when you open a can of soda.

Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy? As the body changes very rapidly during pregnancy, there is a large amount of stress placed on the musculoskeletal system. The joints in the body try to compensate for these changes, and as a result, they are often sore and stiff. Your Chiropractor has special techniques that will help make you comfortable during all the stages of pregnancy. Chiropractic is safe for both the mother and fetus and often helps to reduce those "typical pregnancy" aches and pains.

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Will I have to do exercises? To optimize the effects of treatment, stretching and strengthening programs are almost always initiated. As always, the choice to follow instructions plays a very important role in both recovery and long-term prognosis/outcome. Continuing with your individualized exercise program can help you minimize the occurrence of future episodes. This leaves you more time and energy to do the things you want to do.

How soon will I be better? This is one of the most common questions we are asked. To provide you with realistic expectations, many factors affecting your recovery time must be taken into consideration, including:

‍    •    acute vs. chronic pain

‍    •    first episode or recurrent problem

‍    •    history of previous injuries

‍    •    general health

‍    •    general fitness level ( strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health)

‍    •    poor postural hygiene

‍    •    lifestyle (work, diet, sleep)

‍    •    patient comprehension and compliance with recommendations

‍    •    kept appointments

‍    •    stress (physical/mental/chemical)

‍    •    family history

These factors and your individual health goals combine to structure the frequency and duration of your care.

Do I have to have my neck adjusted? After a thorough history and examination, your Chiropractor will discuss your treatment options with you. There are alternatives to neck adjustments that some people prefer. The risks associated with each type of treatment will also be discussed, allowing you to make an informed decision about your health care.



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